I am Jack Sweeney, a trusted professional Realtor who is laser-focused on making your real estate
experience a success!
My area of expertise is Chester County. I have lived in Malvern since 2000 with my wife and two
children. Our children went to school here. We love living in Chester County and all that it has to offer
and hope to share that feeling with as many people as we can.
Taking care of my family, my Team, my clients, and my friends is what drives me! When you and I work
together, I will go above and beyond the normal standards of real estate service.
I am a member of the Kit Anstey Team, located in West Chester. Our Team has over 100 years of
combined real estate experience. You will have access to our experts, who will share their knowledge
and expertise and will also make your real estate experience a smooth success.
I look forward to having you join my Customer Appreciation Program. My service does not end at the
Settlement table. In fact, it will really be just the beginning!
I hope you will give me the opportunity to discover how I can help you!